Category: Google

How To Set Up an Out-of-Office Auto Reply In Gmail

Don’t ignore. Opt for automated consideration. Setting up an out-of-office auto-reply in Gmail can be quite handy when you’re going on vacation, leaving the office for an extended period, or you don’t want anyone to shoot you an email and feel neglected if you have not replied in a timely...

google drive storage

How To Have More Storage On Your Computer; Google Drive

Make storing and managing files easier Google drive is the most commonly used cloud storage service. If you have a google account, you automatically have 15 gigabytes storage, for free. You can store a variety of files here such as photos, documents, reports, presentations, and videos. Google drive has a...

How To Customize The Inbox Section In Gmail

Customizing the inbox section of your Gmail account not only makes it neat and clean but also saves you time and effort. When your thousands of emails are organized, you don’t have to manually go over them to search for a certain email that you need. One way to sort...

Email Signature

How To Insert An Email Signature In Gmail

An E-mail signature is a text or information placed at the bottom of an email just like a footer. Signatures in emails usually contain your name, contact information, the organization you represent, and even your favorite quote. When you put a signature in your email, it will look more formal...

How To Clear Your Browsing Data

Here are three reasons why you should clear your browsing activities. Browsing History; What is browsing history? Whenever you visit a website, your browser keeps record of it with the date and time you accessed it, we call this browsing history. This feature that is available to all web browsers...

Google Go

Google Go is a search app from google that is very much like the chrome browser but very lightweight. They say that this amazing app is built for smartphones with 2GB RAM or less as it takes up just about over 7MB of space on your phone and that already includes...