How To Clone SSD And HDD Operating System In Windows

What is disk cloning?

Disk cloning is the process of making an exact copy of all the contents of a hard disk drive(HDD) or a solid-state drive(SSD) to a different storage device such as another HDD or SSD. This means that when you put this cloned drive replacing an existing HDD or SSD in a computer, it would be functional right away. You do not have to install any programs including the Operating system, files, folders, and settings will be exactly the same.

Cloning is usually done when;

  • You want to upgrade an existing drive. This might be because you want higher storage space.
  • Upgrading from HDD to SSD which is the most common reason these days.
  • You want to duplicate a configuration in another computer. This might be for work reasons or you are changing your computer and you need all the programs as is to be in the new computer.

Two softwares I tried and worked

1. Macrium ReflectFree

Macrium offers a free cloning software, the Macrium Reflect, which you can download from their website. It gets the job done but there will be some limitations such as full and differential back up being available in the free version while incremental is only available in the paid version. If you choose the paid version, the payment will be one time for the license (lifetime) and 1 year technical support which is renewable.

You can watch the video for more information on how I did it.

How to clone HDD/SSD to SSD using Macruim Software

2. EaseUS Partition Master – Paid

This is a reliable software that I used through sponsorship. Given that it is paid, it has several features that are useful such as data recovery, backup and restore, remove duplicates, and PC transfer. When you go to their website, there is a free version but it does not include migration of OS to HDD/SSD. You have the option to subscribe monthly, yearly, or a lifetime.

You can watch the video for more information on how I did it.

How to clone HDD/SSD to SSD using EaseUS Partition Master

Both of these software do work perfectly, but again, the choice will depend on your preference and the features you are after.


Ginard Guaki

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