Tagged: How to

Email Signature

How To Insert An Email Signature In Gmail

An E-mail signature is a text or information placed at the bottom of an email just like a footer. Signatures in emails usually contain your name, contact information, the organization you represent, and even your favorite quote. When you put a signature in your email, it will look more formal...

How To Clear Your Browsing Data

Here are three reasons why you should clear your browsing activities. Browsing History; What is browsing history? Whenever you visit a website, your browser keeps record of it with the date and time you accessed it, we call this browsing history. This feature that is available to all web browsers...

How to Know If You Have an SSD or HDD in Windows 10

Why would you want to know if your computer uses SSD (Solid State Drives) or HDD (Hard Disk Drives)? One of the main reasons is to see if an upgrade if necessary. HDDs are the traditional storage devices that have been around for a long time. To do a quick...